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Frequently Asked Questions

How are first-year students assigned roommates?

Roommates are matched by the Office of Residence Life using the Resident Student Housing Application, filled out by each resident student on the Residence Life online portal . It is very important that the student fill this out as accurately as possible in order to make the best roommate match.

How are first-year students assigned a meal plan?

All incoming resident students are automatically assigned a 225 block meal plan. If a student wishes to change their meal plan to the 250 block meal plan, they may log into their Residence Life portal after they complete their housing paperwork to do so. First year resident students are only eligible for the 250 and 225 block meal plans, and both plans are the same price.

What happens if a roommate does not like their assigned roommate?

Except in cases where there is an unusually severe problem between roommates, first-year students are encouraged not to change roommates during the first semester. Most early roommate problems are simply the result of adjusting to a new situation. However, if a change is necessary, resident students are able to make arrangements with their building supervisor during the "Open Room Change" period which takes place during the third full week of each semester.

Can I receive a single room as a first-year student resident?

The Office of Residence Life strongly encourages all first year students to have a roommate. If there is a medical or special needs situation, please schedule an appointment with the Office of Residence Life. Students with documented needs that prevent them from having a roommate will receive special consideration for a single room.

Can I have a car on-campus as a first-year student resident?

Although a car is not a necessity for a resident student, students who wish to have a car on campus may do so by registering their vehicle with the Office of Safety and Security and purchasing a parking decal. In mid May, the Office of Campus Security and Safety will send an email to all new students in order to make arrangements for on-campus parking. The Office of Campus Security and Safety is located in rooms 107 and 108 of Ryan Hall.

Is there housing for just first-year students?

The residence halls at King's are not segregated by class year. Most floors are comprised of students of all class years, with the greater number being first-year students and the lesser number being upper-classmen.

How are residence halls supervised?

The Office of Residence Life employs 27 undergraduate Resident Assistants who develop a strong community and assist students with their needs while living in the residence halls. In addition, Resident Counselors, non-students who hold a bachelor's degree, live in the halls and serve as positive adult role models for students.

What types of activities are held in the residence halls?

Activities in the residence halls are designed to promote a more positive community. These activities can be of a social nature or more educationally focused. For example, a floor may have dinner together in the dining hall or go on a shopping trip off campus. Floors, as a group, will typically attend films, plays, or lectures given on campus. Other offices on campus conduct workshops on study skills, career planning, and personal relationships.

Are residence halls closed during semester break and vacations?

The Housing Contract does not provide for room and board during semester breaks, recesses, or official College holidays. Under special circumstances and for an additional fee, arrangements may be made with the Office of Residence Life to remain in a residence hall during a break. College dining is not available during this time.

May resident students return a day or two early from breaks or at the beginning of the semester?

No. The residence halls are closed during each recess or official College holiday and in between semesters. Permission to stay on campus during these times can only be granted for academic or athletic reasons by the Associate Dean of Students for Residence Life. Students who receive early arrival permission for reasons other than academic or athletic reasons will be assessed a daily fee for their stay.

What furniture is provided in each room?

All resident rooms are furnished with a bed, dresser, closet, desk, and desk chair for each student.

How does a student report a maintenance concern?

Resident students can submit a request online, call the Facilities Department (570-208-5805) or they can personally report the concern to their resident assistant/resident counselor.

What types of electrical appliances are permitted?

All resident students are required to limit their use of electrical appliances to the following: stereo equipment, TV, clock, hairdryer, refrigerator no larger than 5.0 cubic feet, microwave ovens no more than 900 watts, 3-D printers, hot pots, coffeemakers with UL-approved heating elements and automatic shutoffs. Any appliance without an enclosed heating element, such as a hot plate or toaster oven is in violation of the safety codes and is not permitted.

Should students bring bed linens and towels?

Students will need to supply their own twin XL sheets, blankets, towels and any other necessary linens.

Are there laundry facilities on campus?

Laundry facilities are found in the basements of Holy Cross Hall, Esseff Hall, Flood Hall, and Luksic Hall. Ryan and O'Hara Halls have laundry facilities on the second, third and fourth floors. The Alley Center has laundry on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors. Laundry services are included as part of the student's room charges. Students will be able to do laundry only in the building in which they reside. On campus laundry services are not available for use by commuter or off campus students.

Are members of the opposite sex allowed to visit in rooms?

Yes. Visitation in the living areas of the residence halls by persons of the opposite sex is permitted during the following hours: Sunday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to Midnight, Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

Will King's College reimburse a student for stolen or damaged personal items?

King's College is not responsible for a student's personal belongings. The College highly recommends that you check your homeowner's insurance to make sure that student property is covered while living at college. Some carriers will provide a standard policy to insure personal belongings while attending college.

Are there locks on resident students' rooms?

Each resident student's room in College-owned housing has a keyed door lock. Both residents of a room are issued a key and are strongly encouraged to lock their doors whenever they are not in their rooms.

Are personal computers allowed in residence halls?

Yes. Students living in the residence halls may bring personal computers and laptops and connect them to the network. The College's internet access is all wireless, so devices must have the ability to connect to a wireless network. Students are advised to not bring wireless printers to campus, as they can impact the Wi-Fi service in their room. If a student does bring a wireless printer, they are asked to please turn the printer off when it is not in use.

Is internet access available from student residence hall rooms?

Yes. Each student room has access to the college's wireless internet system. Specifications for computer configuration (wireless) is available through the IITS area.

Are land-line phones installed in student rooms?

No. There are emergency phones located on most residence hall floors in common areas for student use. 9-1-1 and local calls will work on these emergency phones.

In the case of a family emergency, how can a student be contacted?

In a family emergency, the College staff can be a valuable resource. If you would like to have a College staff member inform a student of a family emergency, you may contact the Student Affairs Office at (570) 208-5875 during office hours or the College switchboard at (570) 208-5900 after hours.

When does the housing application process for the following academic process year take place?

Updated information will be available in November for returning residents regarding college apartments and the lottery process. In addition, the housing application process for students returning to Esseff and Holy Cross will be held in mid-March, following winter break. Information about the process will be made available at floor/hall meetings prior to the winter break.

What are the qualifications to live off campus?

All first-year and sophomore students under the age of twenty-one are required to live in college operated housing or in the home of their parent or guardian or close relative (who is not a student and is over the age of 30). Commuting students must reside in the home of their parent or legal guardian within 45 miles of campus. Students wishing to move off-campus must have a 2.5 GPA, and have completed 57 credit hours to reach junior status. To remain off-campus as a senior, the student must have completed 87 credit hours.
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